October 6, 2012 I woke up around 3:30AM with severe lowerback pain and discomfort. I continued waking up off and on all throughout thenight. I kept brushing it off as cramps or just a sore back since we had a busyday at the restaurant the day before. Finally, after consulting with two close friendsand Joseph about my pains, unsure if they were contractions or not, I decided togo ahead to the hospital for reassurance either way.
Mama and I checked into the hospital around 9AM I believe. Muchto my surprise I was already 4CM dilated and 100% effaced. The contractionswere pretty fierce to say the least, but I was truly in awe that it was alreadytime to meet my precious girl. Mama called Joseph to share the news with him sohe could close the restaurant and join us at the hospital. Of course hereplied, “Don’t wait for me!”. As if he really thought I would prolong meetingmy precious baby? It wasn’t too long after my doctor was called that I was inmy delivery room . I kicked Mama out and sent her to the cafeteria and receiveda Heavenly epidural by 11:30AM or so.
Joseph's sign he made for the store. Bless his heart. |
Ofcourse Daddy made it to the hospital long before Joseph did, but he did make itafter securing the store and getting himself ready. Most men would have walked in the delivery room, checked on their wife, maybe even asked if they could get her anything. No, not Joseph. He walks in and immediately begins to look for the TV control, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
You'd think they were the ones in labor. |
All throughout the labor I don’t think it truly ever dawnedon me that Joseph and I were fixing to be hit with parenthood and be sharingour days and nights with such a beautiful creature sent from the Lord above. Thetime to push came around the corner faster than I had expected. Joseph took hisseat in the waiting room and I did the thing! Aunt Bea, Joseph’s mom - Janet,Erin, Abby, and Grace was there to keep him company, along with Raleigh and Jacob.
Mama, Daddy, and Dorothy hung around in the delivery room withme to share the experience of their third grandchild, and first niece beingborn. They probably said “PUSH” more times than they had in their entire livesin those few short minutes, but it wasn’t until Dr. Trest threatened aC-section due to the fact that Emma Claire’s heartbeat began to drop that I actuallytook that concept and figuratively “ran” with it.
Emma Claire's very first picture |
Emma Claire Skidmore was welcomed into this world at 5:43PMon the evening of October 6th weighing in at 6 pounds and 5 ounces. She was 19inches long and already blowing bubbles! She instantly stole our hearts!
Proud Mama |
Proud Daddy |
Fast forward to present day and baby girl is nearly 3 weeksold. I still don’t understand what we’ve doing without her in our lives untilnow. She has already brought so much joy into our lives in such a short amountof time. It warms my heart and soul to watch her daddy love her like I lovethem.
The past few weeks haven’t been all rainbows andbutterflies, but it can only get better from here. We are all still learningwith each new day, and I am looking forward to many more learning experiences. Iknow they will all be worth it as long as we are sharing these precious momentstogether, as a family.
Just to make you smile...