
Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Wednesday.

Yesterday Daddy and I were gone for approximately 13 fun filled hours. He was the lucky one to take me to my chemotherapy visit this week. Before chemo, he had to patiently wait in the “family room” for about 3 hours while I was getting prepped and having a PET and CT Scan performed. Too bad we won’t get the results from them for another 2 weeks. I sat in the most comfortable recliner ever made. If you’ve never been there it’s almost like a curvy lounge chair or something. Then, I patiently waited for over 15 minutes for a young girl and not much older guy to get my IV started. I know they are not new because they prepped me for my last scans in January. Apparently, I just have tee-tiny little veins that like to run from needles. I’ll tell you what: it was the most painful experience to date, and I do really well with IV’s and all if I do say so myself. So, the guy finally got it- spewing my blood all over me, him, and the floor, but he got. I quickly found out if I moved my left hand the slightest bit, more pain would explode, so I drank my “milk-shake” like a good little girl and dosed off for about an hour before the scans began. As I woke up, I heard horrible shouts, vulgar language, and vomiting- all coming from 2 grown men getting their scans. It was horrible. Thankfully, I had been there before and knew I would not have that reaction. Plus, I’m not easily nauseated, I’m not Closter phobic, and I am certainly not 400+ pounds like these men. Lucky me =)
Blood work began rather quickly, and before I knew it I was back in the doctor’s office… waiting. I only had enough time to skim through one magazine, though, so it really was not that bad. A doctor came in that I do not recall ever seeing before, but maybe I’m wrong. I’ve seen so many since January. He was the bearer of bad news. Claims me white blood cell count was lower than ever before, and he did not feel comfortable treating me today. While Daddy said nothing, I had to speak up. It was ludicrous! So, that’s what I did. I told him we had not driven so far and waited so long, just to be told to go home. I’m sure Daddy was thinking, “Hey, we’ll get to go eat lunch!” Truthfully, I was, too since I hadn’t eaten since the day before. Oh well, I told him my counts had been low a few other times and asked him to talked to someone else before making the final decision. Low and behold, doctors do care- I got my chemotherapy and a booster-upper shot.
So, that was my Wednesday. Kind of uneventful, but I’ll say it was pretty good.

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