
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chemotherapy down. Radiation to go.

Yesterday was the ending of a roller-coaster chapter in my sweet life. I finished my last chemotherapy treatment to total 8 cycles, 16 separate doses. My nurse asked if I was going to have a big end of chemo party, but I just said no because I guess I didn’t realize it was that big of a deal. Wrong. I completed this journey of chemotherapy with a smile on my face, a pitter-patter in my chest, and my family by my side. It is a big deal.

So, Mama and I celebrated the right way- with a delicious and savory meal from Sal and Mookies New York Pizza & Ice Cream Joint. Sal & Mookies was delicious! I reminded Mama you had told me about it, so I knew it should be good! We both loved every ounce of the place! It was one of those situations I had to ride home with my pants unbuttoned we ate so much. We had Cheese Filled Fried Ravioli for Appetizer, Mama had a Spinach salad and I had a Mesclun salad, then we shared a pizza half Rockaway Beach (Mozzarella, provolone, yellow cheddar, grilled chicken and sautéed green bell peppers & onions- NO SAUCE) and half Meat Packing District (Italian plum tomato sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, spicy Italian sausage, prosciutto, and Genoa Salami). Luckily we only had a slice a piece and brought the rest home. We were both glad we talked ourselves out of sharing a pasta, too!

Jeremy, our waiter at Sal & Mookies, was great. For some reason, Mama feels the need to tell everyone my little story, and he was no exception. Cool thing is, he’s been through this journey as well, and is now on the other side. He had melanoma. Had to undergo chemo 5 days a week for a month I believe, and then give himself a shot daily for a year. He even gave me “knuckles” when Mama told him what we were celebrating. It was nice to hear his story and share a little bit of mine as well. He was one of those waiters that had a passion for his job, and wanted to go on to do bigger and better. He has a few different business plans in hopes of opening his own place one day, but that door has not yet opened for him. He inspired me with his passion, and I hope people say the same about me.

After getting a belly full of scrumptious food, I decided I would drive home. Mostly because I don’t like the way Mama drives. Eventually, after a 20+ minute detour going the ass-backwards wrong way, we got back on track and arrived home in one piece.

Regardless of her bad driving and storytelling, I wouldn’t change a thing about my dear mama. I was exceptionally pleased for her to share my last treatment with me. It was perfect.

Lucky for me, my parents, my sweetheart of a husband, my sister, niece, nephew, handful of friends, and our Skidmore’s Grill crew have stuck by my side throughout all of this. They have been the daily reminders of what a support system truly is, and I am eternally thankful for them. I know this chapter of my life would have been much more difficult to endure without them to share my life with. So, we are anxiously looking forward to beginning and ending another chapter of my life in the very near future- radiation. I am thankful to know in my heart that these same people will be there for me through this as well. Who are you there for?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Wednesday.

Yesterday Daddy and I were gone for approximately 13 fun filled hours. He was the lucky one to take me to my chemotherapy visit this week. Before chemo, he had to patiently wait in the “family room” for about 3 hours while I was getting prepped and having a PET and CT Scan performed. Too bad we won’t get the results from them for another 2 weeks. I sat in the most comfortable recliner ever made. If you’ve never been there it’s almost like a curvy lounge chair or something. Then, I patiently waited for over 15 minutes for a young girl and not much older guy to get my IV started. I know they are not new because they prepped me for my last scans in January. Apparently, I just have tee-tiny little veins that like to run from needles. I’ll tell you what: it was the most painful experience to date, and I do really well with IV’s and all if I do say so myself. So, the guy finally got it- spewing my blood all over me, him, and the floor, but he got. I quickly found out if I moved my left hand the slightest bit, more pain would explode, so I drank my “milk-shake” like a good little girl and dosed off for about an hour before the scans began. As I woke up, I heard horrible shouts, vulgar language, and vomiting- all coming from 2 grown men getting their scans. It was horrible. Thankfully, I had been there before and knew I would not have that reaction. Plus, I’m not easily nauseated, I’m not Closter phobic, and I am certainly not 400+ pounds like these men. Lucky me =)
Blood work began rather quickly, and before I knew it I was back in the doctor’s office… waiting. I only had enough time to skim through one magazine, though, so it really was not that bad. A doctor came in that I do not recall ever seeing before, but maybe I’m wrong. I’ve seen so many since January. He was the bearer of bad news. Claims me white blood cell count was lower than ever before, and he did not feel comfortable treating me today. While Daddy said nothing, I had to speak up. It was ludicrous! So, that’s what I did. I told him we had not driven so far and waited so long, just to be told to go home. I’m sure Daddy was thinking, “Hey, we’ll get to go eat lunch!” Truthfully, I was, too since I hadn’t eaten since the day before. Oh well, I told him my counts had been low a few other times and asked him to talked to someone else before making the final decision. Low and behold, doctors do care- I got my chemotherapy and a booster-upper shot.
So, that was my Wednesday. Kind of uneventful, but I’ll say it was pretty good.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Morning Chatter

Just for the record: I am terrible at dieting, exercising, and watching my weight. I weighed this morning- it was a sad thing. Moving on…
So, Joseph and I spent our weekend at Talladega. We got up super early Friday morning and made it to the campground by 9 I believe. We met up with his friends from Jones County as usual and had a great time! Not all were there just yet, but we were glad to be! Some were still coming from home, one was in jail from the night before, and I believe 2 or 3 were gone to bail him out. 

I missed home more than ever, but it was great to be able to trust our little restaurant in the hands it was left in and just get away for a little while. Sure, maybe I would rather get away to a nice hotel or a cabin somewhere, but West C campground is just fine, too!

We got up yesterday morning and I started getting everything ready to go. Joseph was ready to get packed up and walk down Pit Road before it got too late. As I’m loading the van up, I hear “Sir, would you like a morning paper?” Here I am capris, my “Fighting Cancer with a Smile” shirt, cute flip flops, and all girl parts. You get what I’m saying? Good. Needless to say, I did not purchase a morning paper.

Oh well- we had a great time at the race. We sat in the tower this time, and it was so much better of an experience than on the bottom!
On the way home we dined on Longhorn, but neither of us enjoyed it too much. I had been wanting the Wild West Shrimp the whole week before, but I was highly disappointed. See, ever since I started having Chemotherapy I can’t eat spicy stuff. Sucks, I know. It literally makes my tongue feel like it’s going to fall off. A year ago, I didn’t even really the shrimp and cherry peppers were spicy, but my tongue had an entire different story to tell! Back on the road we went!

It felt so wonderful to get back home, see the family, take a hot shower, and fall to sleep in our very own bed. All in all, I had a great time, but it’s oh-so-good to be home!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Which do you choose?

Button courtesy of Leelou
I discovered this addorable little button today while wasting precious time on the computer. I couldn't resist sharing. It makes since though. Sure, a good cry may be the only thing a person is able to muster up from time to time, but how often do we truly laugh? I know I do not laugh nearly enough; actually, hardly at all. So, I will begin to laugh. Often. I hope you will, too!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A New Day Has Come.

Like most every other girl I know, I’ve been struggling with my weight since I can remember buying my own clothes years ago. Here lately, it’s been even more on my mind. My clothes just don’t fit- and that is a huge eye opener! I have made the decision that I will start doing better for myself. I will not indulge in all the snacks that do horrible things to my body. Today is the day I start eating better and maybe I’ll even find some kind of exercise to do! I really want to fit into my jeans! So, I weighed this morning; something I will begin doing each Monday morning. How much did I weigh? Ha! I can’t bring myself to share that whopper of a number, but let’s just say I’ve gained 17.4 pounds since staring Chemotherapy and all that jazz in January. Wow- that’s depressing to calculate being as that was just the end of January. I guess I’ll blame my weight gain fully on the medications and such, but I guess I should probably share some of the blame with the fact that Joseph and I own a sweet little restaurant. It definitely is not the easiest thing to bare being around all of this delicious, not so healthy, food! Oh well- I will overcome my urges.

Aside from all this weight loss talk, I purchased Talladega tickets and Pre-Race Pit Passes Saturday! We have not been since last April when we got married and I believe now is just the right time to go. We had to skip the race in October being as we had literally just purchased the restaurant and all. With all that being said, I am overly excited and anxious for the time to leave to be here! It has been so long since Joseph and I have been able to get away. 

Until next time, cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wide Awake

You guessed it! It is 3:34am and I am wide awake; which sucks. I love my sleep, and I need my sleep. Oh well, I guess I will Facebook stalk, blog, and plunder through the rest of the wonderful world of the internet.

So, yesterday was my wonderful husband's twenty-seventh birthday. He woke up to a beautiful little card waiting for him in the bathroom to start his day. He was then greeted with a Big Green Egg yesterday evening. That is, after my tire blows out on the four-lane while I am on my way to get the dang thing. Yep, that has never happened to me before. I walk around the vehicle a few times. I sit there. I look like I know exactly what I'm looking at- not! Finally, after all the passer-byers pass me right by, my uncle shows up to change it. I get safely back on the road, spend a ridiculous amount of money at Little Acre, spend much less at Sam's Club, and homeward bound I go. Even though Joseph knew all along about the Green Egg, he was so tickled to get it on the porch last night. It still is not out of it's box just yet, but I don't see that lasting much longer. I did not go wild over all of the accessories they offer. I just got the essentials to start off with: the egg itself, fire starter, lump charcoal, and a poker/cleaner thing the lady said is just a "must". I am looking forward to many scrumptious creations prepared on that thing in the very near future!

It seems that as I was out yesterday, everyone I spoke with (young & old) wanted to talk about the "c" word. You know, the "c" word. Yes, cancer. Ugh. I know people are curious with many questions since I am now part of the cancer club, but my cancer is not that interesting. I mean, people want to hear me say how awful it is and all that jazz, but on most days, you're just going to get an, "I'm fine," or something along those lines. And then the strangers: some politely ask me why I cut my hair off, some are educated enough to go ahead and ask if I am going through Chemo, but others just stare and whisper- grown folks I might add. I mean, I have already heard my fair share of comments from children walking by in Wal-Mart of whatever, but I have also heard my fair share from adults. I guess I really should not complain about people being curious, but I guess some questions and comments are just so offensive or unnecessary to me. Or maybe it's because I don't really realize how deep into the "cancer club" I really am. It is very strange to me to have so many people thinking of me and how I am progressing with my treatments. I guess I should probably quit complaining about the questions and be more thankful for all of the prayers and support, huh? So please remember, be kind and gentle with your words; especially when you think no one else is listening.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Rainbow has Faded

I feel not so “on top of the world” today. My body hurts and aches all over although I have already taken my pain meds. To go along with that, I have just discovered a large knot type thing in the roof of my mouth that does not feel too pleasant. I am hoping that disappears in a timely manner! It is really interfering with my lunch! I have been beyond positive with all this stuff from the very beginning! I was all non-chelate on the way to the hospital and all through my stay. I was even all peppy about getting my pretty red hair shaved, but I guess I do not feel like being too positive today. And frankly, I think that is just fine. Right?
I had my fourth dose of Chemotherapy yesterday. We left Shubuta at 8AM, and drug back in a while after 8PM last night. Everything went great though. I had to receive a shot at the end of treatment to boost my white blood cell count which hurt like hell, but I guess that is just part of it. I cannot recall the name of it at this time, but it costs between $3,000-$9,000. Can you believe that?! A little ole shot costing that much money- it’s absurd! Oh well, I have arrived to the conclusion that Joseph and I will be paying medical bills for the rest of our lives. That shot will just have to fit right in with all the others I suppose. The day nice though. It was beautiful outside! I froze in the waiting room, and then in the Chemo room. The warm blankets they bring you are just divine! Oh, and for some reason we have all been confused. I, along with everyone else, have been under the impression I would only have to receive eight rounds of Chemotherapy. Wrong- As of right now, I will receive sixteen separate treatments. Apparently, two “doses” is equivilant to one “cycle”. Anywho- I am supposed to get a PET Scan after the eighth dose to check on how the tumors are. On the way home we ate at Golden Corral; quite a few people had suggested it, and I just was not sure what my taste buds were wanting. I was not impressed with anything besides the salad bar. So, I know where I will not be dining again.
On a brighter note, I will end with something that always makes me smile, Joseph. My sweetheart of a husband is not able to go with me to my treatments anymore. Someone has to stay around here and take care of our restaurant I suppose. I know he may never admit it, but I am willing to bet he wants to be there with me as much as I want him to be there. I know there is really nothing he can do for me during the waiting, and the treatment itself, but I just hate to be away from him for long! I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband like him. It is incredible to be able to share each new day of my life with my best friend and soul mate.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

=) Smile. It's contagious.

I am brand new to this whole blog thing. I love plundering around Facebook, but that is only because I am beyond nosey. Who knows though, I may fall head-over-heels for Blogger. Maybe not.

What's New: I shaved all of my hair off two weeks ago tonight. I miss it each day a little less, but I miss it none the less. I recieve ABVD Chemotherapy every other Wednesday at the Medical Mall in Jackson. It takes forever, but the staff is beyond wonderful! My sweetheart of a husband and I work day in and day out at our little piece of Heaven: Skidmore's Grill in Shubuta. We love it. We have just recently begun remodeling the inside, and it is going great so far. I guess that is all for today. The dishes are calling my name so we can get out of here and go home.

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